Tuesday, 23 October 2018

二十四節気 「霜降」 Nijuushi-sekki 'Soko'

The period of 'Soko' starts today and ends on 6th November 2018.

'Soko' (霜降)literally means 'descent of frost', indicating sudden arrival of frost on wildflowers between an autumn and a winter.This time of the year, we enjoy the good scent in the fresh air in the early morning.

Leaves on the trees, such as maples and ginkgo, start changing the colour red and yellow. Wintry blast blowing from the north, during the period of 'Soko', is called 'Kogarashi' (literally meaning 'withering trees') in particular - autumnal melancholy and a feeling of utter desolation is present.

In Fujiyoshida City, where Masahiko Shimura who was the vocalist and guitarist of the band, Fujifabric, is from, the temperature drops to 5-8℃ at night and rises up to about 15℃.

Since the Manyo era (the period between AD 600 and 759), leaves turning red and yellow in the autumn is praised as much as cherry blossoms in the spring. The koyo season in Japan typically begins in mid-September in Hokkaido to the north, gradually spreading to the southern end of the Japanese archipelago in about 50 days. The change occurs when the low temperature at dawn is about 6-7℃ and the viewing season lasts for 20-25 days. The exact timing to see the leaves fluctuates somewhta from year to year. 

二十四節気 霜降(そうこう)2018年10月23日~11月7日




霜は大気中の水分が地面に凍り付いたもので、夏なら露となるものが気温が低いために氷の結晶になったもの。山梨県甲府市では、例年、初霜が降りるのが11月3日ですから(平年値)、まさに「霜降」の季節なのです。甲府地方気象台 初霜 富士吉田では、きっと2週間ほど早いのでしょうか。富士山のふもとの街、富士吉田では、冬の到来も早いのです。


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