Wednesday 26 December 2018





3日後にご命日を控え、古舘さんの言葉を聞きながら志村君のご両親のことを考えていました。どんなお気持ちで、この8年間を過ごされてきたのでしょう。ファンにとっては「フジファブリック 志村正彦」ですが、ご両親にとってはかけがえのないたった一人の息子さんです。





今日の一曲は、「夕方5時のチャイム 茜色の夕日」です。

Saturday 22 December 2018

二十四節気 「冬至」 Nijuushi-sekki 'Tooji', Winter Solstice

When referring to the lyrics of Fujifabric, it is probably a good idea to have a glimpse of distinctive four seasons, the delicate weather, and the beauties of nature in Japan to be able to enjoy them at the full extent. For my dear friends living abroad, I am going to write trial posts over the coming year to introduce 24 solar terms  (二十四節気 nijuu-shi sekki) which mark weather cycles and seasonal events in Japan and other East Asian countries.

Nijuu-shi Sekki (二十四節気)
Nijuu-shi Sekki divides a year into 24 parts according to the position of the sun in an ecliptic plane. Although this method originated in China, it is still widely used in the rest of East Asian countries such as Japan. It adjusts the difference between the luni-solar calendars and actual seasonal and weather cycle.

'Tooji ' (冬至)
Tooji, known as the winter solstice or midwinter, is the day with the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year. The sun's daily maximum elevation in the sky is at its lowest. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the December solstice and in the Southern Hemisphere, this is the June solsticeThe exact date differs each year, but it is approximately around the 21st to 22nd of December.

In Japan, in order not to catch a cold in the winter, there is a custom to soak oneself in the yuzu (a Japanese citrus) hot bath. There is also a belief that eating a pumpkin during this period of time keeps away from misfortune and colds. 

Life in Yamanashi Prefecture
People in Yamanashi, including citizens of Fujiyoshida City, often warm up by eating Houtou (ほうとう) in the rigorous winter cold. Hoto is a noodle soup and a popular regional dish originating from Yamanashimade by stewing flat udon noodles and vegetables, such as a Japanese radish, a carrot, a taro, spring onion, and must-in item is a pumpkin in miso soup. Though appearance of houtou is rather similar to udon, locals prepare it in the style of dumplings rather than noodles. Supermarkets in Yamanashi now sell pre-packaged houtou noodles and miso paste, and very few households go through the process of kneading their own flour anymore. Houtou has gradually become standardized in taste and recipe due to many chain restaurants and the popularity as a household dish has declined, but the best houtou is after all the one of own family-made.

Today's Weather in Fujiyoshida 
Highest Temperature: 14℃
Lowest Temperature: 4℃
Some sunshine giving way to clouds, mild

The 5 o'clock chime, Fujifabric's song, "Akane Iro No Yuhi" will resound in the sky of Fujiyoshida today. If any of the readers is there, would you kindly send me an email ( below to give me your opinions, please? We would love to reflect those onto our future plans. Thank you.

This is the chime from last year, 2017 winter. Come and join us!

Sunday 16 December 2018

2018年12月 下吉田てくてくMAP ~志村正彦編 配布場所のお知らせ




下吉田駅構内 下吉田倶楽部 富士吉田観光ガイド 下吉田倶楽部
M2 レストラン M2
カフェ月光 カフェ月光
富士山駅 観光案内所 富士吉田市観光案内所

「下吉田てくてくMAP~志村正彦編」は、「路地裏の僕たち」(フジファブリック 志村正彦さんの同級生有志の会)が発行している富士吉田の地図で、地元のアーティストMIUさんが手掛けるオリジナル。志村正彦さんゆかりの地を中心に、徒歩で周ることのできる場所を紹介する、志村ファンのためのスペシャルマップです。「みうらうどん」など、志村ファンだったら誰もがきいたことのある名前や場所が満載です。

2016年秋、新宿LOFT40周年記念イベント「DREAM MATCH 2016」に志村君を胸に「路地裏の僕たち」が参加させて頂いた時、記念として配布した「下吉田てくてくMAP ~志村正彦編 新宿ロフト DREAM MATCH 2016年9月25日付バージョン」があるのですが、今回はそれを修正・加筆した「2018年冬バージョン」となっています。



今日の一曲は、「茜色の夕日」です。今日、エフエムふじごこで放送された「路地裏の僕たちでずらずらいわせて」でも、インディーズバージョン「茜色の夕日」が流れていましたね。「FAB FOX」収録曲とはまた違う魅力をもったインディーズバージョン、あわせてお聴きください。

Friday 7 December 2018

二十四節気 「大雪」 Nijuushi-sekki 'Taisetsu'

When referring to the lyrics of Fujifabric, it is probably a good idea to have a glimpse of distinctive four seasons, the delicate weather, and the beauties of nature in Japan to be able to enjoy them at the full extent. For my dear friends living abroad, I am going to write trial posts over the coming year to introduce 24 solar terms  (二十四節気 nijuu-shi sekki) which mark weather cycles and seasonal events in Japan and other East Asian countries.

Nijuu-shi Sekki (二十四節気)
Nijuu-shi Sekki divides a year into 24 parts according to the position of the sun in an ecliptic plane. Although this method originated in China, it is still widely used in the rest of East Asian countries such as Japan. It adjusts the difference between the luni-solar calendars and actual seasonal and weather cycle.
Taisetsu (大雪)
Taisetsu (literally means 'major snow') starts today, 7th December 2018, and ends on 21st December. As the top of the high mountains are covered with snow by now, this time of the year is called 'major snow'. General Winter hits Japan from north to south, and preparation of the New Year starts. Kogarashi (木枯らし), Kitagaze (北風), Mogaribue (虎落笛), Reppu (烈風), Oroshi (颪), Shimaki (風巻), Fubuki (吹雪) - all these words are used to describe 'the strong wind in winter'. In Kanto region, winter is marked with bright sunshine, dry air and strong wind blowing from the north.

Today's weather in Fujiyoshida City
more clouds than sun, milder
top temperature 12℃
lowest temperature -1℃

The evening chime at 5pm in Fujiyoshida City is changed to Fujifabric's music, 'Akaneiro no Yuhi'  between 21- 27th December 2018 remembering Masahiko Shimura's 9th anniversary of his death. The details can be found in here;The Evening Chime at 5pm in Fujiyoshida City changed to Fujifabric's music 21-27th December 2018

Today's Fujifabric song is 'Kurofuku no Hito' ('A Man in The Black Suits'). This is another beautiful winter song of Shimura Masahiko.

Thursday 6 December 2018


※この記事は、修正箇所が見つかったため、12月16日に改稿してアップしました。最新情報については、こちらをご覧ください。2018年12月16日付記事 「下吉田てくてくMAP~志村正彦編 配布場所についてのお知らせ」





富士急行線 下吉田駅 富士山に一番近い鉄道 富士急行 下吉田駅
富士吉田市立図書館 富士吉田市立図書館
ロンタン ロンタン ホームページ
M2 3丁目の洋食屋 レストラン M-2
リトルロボット Little Robot
富士吉田市役所 富士吉田市役所 公式ホームページ

Wednesday 5 December 2018

The Evening Chime at 5pm in Fujiyoshida City changed to Fujifabric's music 21-27th December 2018

The rigorous cold harsh wind tells the arrival of the winter in Kanto region in Japan.

Every year, as the anniversary of Masahiko Shimura's death draws near, his fans come to Fujiyoshida City to visit his tomb to mourn his loss. It has been 9 years since his death in 2009.

Rojiura No Bokutachi (literally meaning, "Boys in the back alley") are delighted to announce that the Evening Chime in Fujiyoshida City is changed to Fujifabric's 'Akaneiro no Yuhi". The team of Rojiura No Bokutachi consists of his old friends from Primary, Junior High and High School living in Fujiyoshida, and they have organised the series of events to introduce Masahiko who was the main vocalist, the guitarist and the main music writer of Fujifabric's.

'The Evening Chime's At 5pm in Fujiyoshida City'
Date: 21st - 27th December, 2018
Time: 5pm
Music to be changed: 'Akaneiro no Yuhi' ('The Madder Red Setting Sun') by Fujifabric

'Akaneiro no Yuhi' has recently drawn a big attention as one of the famous leading Japanese actors, Masaki Suda, sang and included in his first album, 'PLAY'. It was also sung in the film, 'Koko Wa Taikutsu Mukae Ni Kite' ('It's Boring Here, Pick Me Up' - derails can be found here) by several actors and actresses.

Every year, three days before and after Masahiko Shimura's birthday, the 10th of July, and the anniversary of his death, the 24th of December, draw near, the evening chimes at 5 or 6pm (5pm for winter and 6pm for summer) are temporarily changed to Fujifabric's music, either 'Akane Iro No Yuhi' or 'Wakamono No Subete' ('All About The Youth')
Rojiura No Bokutachi made a town map, which is designed especially for Fujifabric fans with Masahiko-related information. They are now available at Shimo-yoshida Station, Fujiyoshida City Library, De Longtemps (De Longtemps Home Page), M2, Little Robot (Little Robot Home Page) and Fujiyoshida City Hall .

Come and visit us in Fujiyoshida City to feel the atmosphere of Masahiko's hometown!

Today's song is 'Akaneiro No Yuhi' of Indies Version.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

2018年冬 富士吉田市防災無線 夕方5時のチャイム変更のおしらせ


日時:2018年12月21日(金)~27日(木)の7日間 夕方5時









