Saturday, 8 September 2018

二十四節気 白露 Japanese solar term, Hakuro

When referring to the lyrics of Fujifabric's music, it is a good idea to have a glimpse of distinctive four seasons, the delicate weather, and the beauties of nature in Japan to be able to enjoy them at the full extent. For my dear friends living abroad, I am going to write trial posts over the coming year to introduce 24 solar terms  (二十四節気 nijuu-shi sekki) which mark weather cycles and seasonal events in Japan and other East Asian countries.

Nijuu-shi Sekki (二十四節気)
Nijuu-shi Sekki divides a year into 24 parts according to the position of the sun in an ecliptic plane. Although this method originated in China, it is still widely used in the rest of East Asian countries such as Japan. It adjusts the difference between the lunisolar calendars and actual seasonal and weather cycle.

Today, 8th September 2018, the season of Hakuro starts.

Hakuro (白露)8th - 22nd September 2018
・15th solar term
・literally meaning, 'white dew' , marked as Descent of white dew

Around this time of the year, the clear blue sky, fresh air, and morning dew sparkling on the leaves, grass and flowers start decorating the autumn scene. In the beginning of September, the temperature starts dropping both in the morning and evening despite the hot summer-like day.

There are less sunny days around Hakuro (8-22nd September) as it is also a typhoon season.

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